On March 12, 2016, we achieved a complete, unbroken human circle around Kiwanis Family House. Members of Key Club, Circle K, Aktion Club and Kiwanis joined several KFH guests in the “Hands around the House” portion of the annual March in March. It was a visual and symbolic experience in which approximately 180 people said a collective, “We got this! This is our house and we will always be there for families dealing with serious illness or injury.” After forming the human circle, participants then marched for two hours earning money pledged for KFH.
While we are at the half-way point in the Kiwanis administrative year, we are in the final three months of the fiscal year for Kiwanis Family House. Our year ends June 30 and we therefore have twelve weeks left to ensure we “make” budget for the year. Frankly, we have significant ground to cover in a couple of categories and we need your help in saying, “We got this!”
We are behind our year-to-date budget goal for support from our SPONSOR CLUBS.
We are grateful to those Sponsor Clubs that have paid their annual KFH dues and given us the full amount of their current-year budget allocation. If your club is a Sponsor Club which has not yet donated its pledged support for the current year, YOU will determine whether KFH reaches its revenue target or falls short in this category. By ensuring your club donates what it has budgeted for KFH, YOU will be the difference.
If your club is considering applying to become a new Sponsor Club (and I know of several), I urge you to do so prior to June 30. We need your support during this final push to the end of our fiscal year.
We are behind our year-to-date budget goal for support from SPONSORING INDIVIDUALS.
We are grateful to individual donors, including those of you who are Friends of Kiwanis Family House, who have personally and generously supported us in the current year. If you are a Friend of Kiwanis Family House or otherwise a passionate supporter of KFH and have not yet sent us your intended donations this year, YOU will determine whether KFH reaches its budget goal or falls short in this category. If we are going to close the gap in the next three months, we need you. The upcoming Big Day of Giving (May 3), detailed elsewhere in this edition, provides you with the opportunity to help us meet our revenue targets.
If you are not currently a Friend of Kiwanis Family House, I urge you to become one prior to June 30. We need your support during the final push to the end of our fiscal year. You can find instructions for doing so on the KFH website under How to Help.
So, Sponsor Clubs and Sponsoring Individuals, we reach out to you as our year-end finish line comes into view. Please reach back and be part of the Kiwanis ring that envelopes KFH and says, “We got this!” The families we serve will be forever grateful.