I strive to pen a column each month that is focused on a single impactful message or story.  However, many noteworthy story lines are swirling as I sit to compose this month’s message.  Coincidentally, I celebrate my fifth anniversary as Executive Director of Kiwanis Family House, a milestone that has me in a broadly reflective place anyway.  So, without apology, I offer this medley for your consuming pleasure.








This list is but a sample of the broad range of activities we experience in leading and managing Kiwanis Family House.  Elsewhere in this issue, you will read about the upcoming 2017 Big Day of Giving on May 4.  Please rally in our support during that 24-hour period of giving.  We have a goal of raising $75,000 this year, a total we will bust our tails to achieve.  We will do so for the families who depend on our open doors and comforting service.

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40th Anniversary Celebration!

Elks Tower
Kyle Draper

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