186 Kiwanis Family Clubs Sponsor the Kiwanis Family House

115 Kiwanis Clubs in California, Nevada, and New York!

All 68 Circle K Clubs in California, Nevada, and Hawaii!

Three Aktion Clubs in California!

Kiwanis Family House has unveiled its new sponsorship criteria.  If your club is not already a KFH sponsor, consider becoming one as you craft your 2018/19 club budget!  Click on this link to access a sponsor club application.


TIER (Percent of Sponsor Clubs) ANNUAL SUPPORT
OPAL SPONSOR CLUB (39%) $100 to $499
RUBY SPONSOR CLUB (23%) $500 to $999
SAPPHIRE SPONSOR CLUB (33%) $1,000 to $4,999
EMERALD SPONSOR CLUB (5%) $5,000 to $9,999

Step Up and Be Your Sponsor Club’s KFH Liaison!

We ask club liaisons to:

 If your sponsor club has not already provided us with the name and email address of your KFH liaison, please send this information to Executive Director Dan Germai at dgermain@kiwanisfamilyhouse.org .

This Month’s Wish List Items

New kitchen items

40th Anniversary Celebration!

Elks Tower
Kyle Draper

GIVE us Stuff