186 Kiwanis Family Clubs Sponsor the Kiwanis Family House
115 Kiwanis Clubs in California, Nevada, and New York!
All 68 Circle K Clubs in California, Nevada, and Hawaii!
Three Aktion Clubs in California!
Kiwanis Family House has unveiled its new sponsorship criteria. If your club is not already a KFH sponsor, consider becoming one as you craft your 2018/19 club budget! Click on this link to access a sponsor club application.
TIER (Percent of Sponsor Clubs) | ANNUAL SUPPORT |
OPAL SPONSOR CLUB (39%) | $100 to $499 |
RUBY SPONSOR CLUB (23%) | $500 to $999 |
SAPPHIRE SPONSOR CLUB (33%) | $1,000 to $4,999 |
EMERALD SPONSOR CLUB (5%) | $5,000 to $9,999 |
Step Up and Be Your Sponsor Club’s KFH Liaison!
We ask club liaisons to:
- Make at least one verbal report your club membership each month, delivering brief updates provided by KFH
- Receive KFH messaging and forward it to every club member
- “Like” and “share” KFH social media posts
- Inform KFH Executive Director of major local fundraising events benefitting KFH
If your sponsor club has not already provided us with the name and email address of your KFH liaison, please send this information to Executive Director Dan Germai at dgermain@kiwanisfamilyhouse.org .
This Month’s Wish List Items
New kitchen items
- Pots and pans
- Plates and bowls
- Glasses and cups
- Utensils and silverware
- Cutting boards and cutlery