Director’s Letter – March 2017

I strive to pen a column each month that is focused on a single impactful message or story.  However, many noteworthy story lines are swirling as I sit to compose this month’s message.  Coincidentally, I celebrate my fifth anniversary as Executive Director of Kiwanis Family House, a milestone that has me in a broadly reflective […]

March President’s Message

As I have mentioned in previous “President’s Messages”, the Kiwanis Family House Board of Directors has been working on the development of a new Strategic Plan.  This has been a challenging task but one which is a critical component in achieving continued success and fiscal stability into the future.  The previous strategic plan has served […]

Gordon’s Story

Gordon Storey has a story to tell. It is a story of true friendship and perseverance against difficult obstacles.  It is a story of heartache and joy. Gordon Storey is a retired minister. In his ministerial postings he has served in many churches. One of these churches is located in Mt. Shasta, California. If you […]

February President’s Message

Like most nonprofit entities the Kiwanis Family House faces the challenge of reconciling available resources to the fulfilling of our mission by providing needed services to individuals receiving medical treatment personally or with a family member receiving medical care at the University of California Davis Medical Center or Shiners Hospital for Children – Northern California. […]

Join us for our Spring Clean-up Workday on Saturday, April 1st!

The next Spring Clean-up Workday is set for Saturday, April 1st–Kiwanis One Day!  Join us as we beautify our House, inside and out.  All Kiwanis family members, family, and friends are invited: Kiwanis, Circle K, Key Club, Builder’s Club, Aktion Club, and K-Kids.   Attendance is limited to the first 100 to respond.  Check out […]

Director’s Letter – January 2017

Each day for several recent months, the campus shuttle picked up Lorraine Ancic at Kiwanis Family House (KFH), delivered her to nearby UC Davis Medical Center for her cancer treatments, and then completed the loop.  She became very familiar with that circular route that returned her to the comfort and support of her temporary home.  […]

January President’s Message

Success is something we all work toward every day but it can sometimes be difficult to define.  Although success may be hard to put our hands around, we all know success when we see it in individuals and organizations.  Regardless of how we measure success,   I believe it is hard to deny that success is […]

March in March Set For Saturday, March 11, 2017

The 8th Annual March in March is scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2017!  Sponsored by CIRCLE K AT SACRAMENTO STATE, this year promises to be a fantastic FUN-draising event for the entire Kiwanis Family! The day will begin with a FREE pancake breakfast for all participants between 8:30 – 9:30 am, followed by the following activities: 9:30 – […]

Director’s Letter – December 2016

Within days, we will flip the calendar into a new year.  The holidays are always a period of reflection and we will take memories of so many families with us from 2016.  Despite our sincerest efforts to maintain a certain professional buffer between our guests’ circumstances and our own human emotions, we find ourselves drawn […]

Clara Nichols’ Story | Charlie Bussey

On September 26, 2016, Lethesia Guzman and her fiancé were traveling on Interstate 80 crossing the Yolo Causeway (a long, elevated bridge) between West  Sacramento and Davis.  They were involved in a minor fender bender and were pulled off to the side of the narrow causeway. They exited the car and were standing in front […]

40th Anniversary Celebration!

Elks Tower
Kyle Draper

GIVE us Stuff